
It’s never too early to start dreaming up holiday marketing ideas for your dispensary, especially since nearly 44% of shoppers have already started holiday shopping.

From regulars to seasonal shoppers to new customers, as a dispensary owner, you want to excite everyone enough to make the sale over and over again. In this article, we’ve rounded up 7 ideas you can use to spice up your holiday marketing, including:

Holiday shoppers usually have big lists—and that means they’re looking for deals. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to reward them for shopping with you.

Note: Be sure your holiday marketing, advertising, planned promotions, discounts, and product bundles are in compliance with all local and state rules and regulations.

1. Offer holiday discounts

They’re tried and true for a reason: they work!

The trick is finding the sweet spot. Discounting your whole dispensary is easy, but you might end up losing more than you gain if you give too much of your inventory away. Instead, discount your top-selling cannabis products, and promote add-ons (that aren’t discounted) to accompany them.

2. Leverage the power of a flash sale

Consider flash sales as an alternative to a full-season discount.

Set up a limited time discount in your Dutchie POS back office, and change the products on sale daily. Promote your daily deals ahead of time, and consider themes to make customers keep coming back for more. For example, you could discount pre-rolls one day and edibles the next.

3. Give exclusive discounts to gift card redeemers in January

If your dispensary is selling gift cards this holiday season, get ready for a busy January. Recipients of your gift cards will likely be coming in to spend them once the holidays wind down. Studies show that nearly 60% of gift card users spend over the value of their gift card, so take advantage of this opportunity by giving gift card recipients exclusive discounts.

Promote the fact that gift card users will receive exclusive dispensary discounts during the holiday period, and you’ve got a two-for-one way to boost sales.

4. Make stocking stuffer bundles with your top products

A whopping 84% of shoppers make impulse purchases. What are you doing to encourage them in your store?